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Selected Active Projects


Conversational engagement as a means to delay Alzheimer's disease onset: Phase II

The study, funded by the R01 AG051628 grant, examines conversational engagement delivered using webcam and internet could improve cognitive functions and identifies optimal duration and frequency of conversational engagement required to see the improvement. Targeted subjects are socially isolated seniors aged 75 and older with normal cognition recruited mainly from the Meals on Wheels program. This is a multi-center study being conducted at Portland, Oregon and Detroit, Michigan. The Principal Investigator is Dr. Hiroko Dodge. 


Web-enabled social interaction to delay cognitive decline among seniors with MCI: Phase I
This study, funded by the R01 AG056102, examines social interactions could improve cognitive functions among those with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). This is a multi-center study being conducted at Portland, Oregon and Detroit, Michigan. The Principal Investigator is Dr. Hiroko Dodge.      


Identification of Mild Cognitive Impairment using machine learning from language and behavior markers
The goal of this study, funded by the RF1AG072449 grant, is to discover language and behavior markers signaling early-stage MCI, as well as integrate the markers into effective machine learning models for the detection of MCI. The Principal Investigators are Drs. Dodge, Zhou, and Wang (multiple PIs).


White matter hyperintensity-associated astrocytopathy in Alzheimer’s disease and vascular cognitive impairment: A targeted histopathologic study using postmortem 7T MRI
The goal of this project, funded by the R01AG056712 grant, is to investigate how cerebrovascular disease, manifested as white matter hyperintensities, is associated with changes in astroglial phenotypes and that these changes contribute both to white matter injury and to regionally associated AD pathologies. The Principal Investigators of this project are Dr. Silbert and Dr. Woltjer. Dr. Hiroko Dodge is a co-investigator.


ARMADA: Advancing reliable measurement in Alzheimer's disease and cognitive aging
This project, funded by the U2C AG057441 grant, validates and expands the NIH Toolbox for Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function (NIHTB) for use in studies of cognitive aging beginning with normal cognition through progression into mild cognitive impairment and into early stages of Alzheimer's dementia. Aims of the project include: 1. Validate English and Spanish versions of an expanded NIHTB (the NIHTB+) in existing, well-characterized, ethnically and racially diverse samples of adults ages 65-85 representing the trajectory of cognitive aging and in cognitively normal individuals 86+ years of age. 2. Expand the NIHTB by adding innovative instruments to assess neurological functions associated with cognitive aging; and 3. Facilitate use of the NIHTB+ in aging research by ensuring it is a readily available resource with robust user support. Dr. Hiroko Dodge is the Co-Investigator and the Principal Investigators are Drs. Gershon and Weintraub at Northwestern University.


Home and community-based service use, health outcomes, and health care costs for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia
The major goal of this project, funded by the R01AG069782 grant, is to assess elements of state Medicaid policies associated with an increase in home and community-based service use by people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia as well as to assess when home and community-based service is appropriately used to keep them safe in the community. The Principal Investigator is Dr. Hyunjee Kim. Dr. Hiroko Dodge is the Co-investigator.  


Layton Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
The goal of this Center, funded in part by the P30AG066518 grant, is to facilitate AD research by providing core resources for clinical and basic research, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, sharing resources and expertise, mentoring new professionals, raising awareness and providing education. Cores: Administrative, Clinical, Data, Biomarkers, Neuropathology, Outreach Recruitment & Education, Neuroimaging, and Digital Technology; Research Education Component. Dr. Jeff Kaye is the Principal Investigator. Dr. Hiroko Dodge's role at the Center is as the Co-Associate Director and the Director of the Biostatistics and Data Management Core.


Oregon Roybal Center for Care Support Translational Research Advantaged by Integrating Technology
The goals of ORCASTRAIT are to: 1) Support a unique organizational infrastructure that enables and accelerates the process of developing, translating and disseminating innovative care provider interventions facilitated by technology while fostering cross-disciplinary and institutional collaborations and cooperation, 2) Advance timely, real-world development of care support intervention research, 3) Provide structured, but flexible educational opportunities to advance the research workforce attuned to integrating technology in dementia care intervention research. ORCASTRAIT is funded by the P30AG024978 grant. Dr. Jeff Kaye is the Principal Investigator. Dr. Hiroko Dodge is the Co-investigator.


Role of impaired cognitive states and risk factors in conversion to mixed dementias. The SMART (Statistical Modeling of Aging and Risk of Transitions).

This project funded by the R01 AG038651 grant aims to obtain Medicare claims data on its participants to determine the severity of diabetes, hypertension, and other comorbidities such as renal disease and to what extent they affect the prediction of who is at risk for a transition to an impaired cognitive state and dementia pathology. The Principal Investigators are Drs. Kryscio and Abner at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Hiroko Dodge is the OHSU site PI. 


Using Technology to Support Care Partners for Persons with Alzheimer's Disease: Tele-STELLA

This project funded by R01AG067546 aims to assess the feasibility, acceptability and efficacy of a telehealth-based intervention for caregivers for those with dementia. Caregivers meet one-to-one and in groups to identify upsetting behavioral symptoms to dementia and design strategies to address the symptoms. Dr. Allison Lindauer is the PI and Dr. Hiroko Dodge serves as a co-investigator.


Unobtrusive remote monitoring to identify and track important changes in everyday functioning in community-dwelling older adults who are at risk for Alzheimer’s disease

This project funded by R01AG058687 utilizes established ORCATECH research infrastructure to install technologies in the

environments of older adult participants in Minnesota and Oregon to unobtrusively monitor daily cognitive

activity with wireless sensors and software by the degree to which they use an automobile, an electronic pill

box, an online health questionnaire, and a personal home computer over 4 years. Dr. Andrea Seeley at the University of Minnesota VA hospital is the PI and Dr. Hiroko Dodge serves as a co-investigator.


Digital Evaluations and Technologies Enabling Clinical Translation for AD (DETECT-AD)

This study funded by R56AG074321 aims to improve the assessment of meaningful cognitive function in early pre- or Alzheimer's Disease (AD) using largely passive home-based digital assessment methods. Dr. Jeffrey Kaye is the PI and Dr. Hiroko Dodge serves as a co-investigator. 


Selected Completed Projects (past 5 years)

NIH/NIA R01 AG033581: Conversational engagement as a means to delay Alzheimer’s Disease onset: a randomized controlled trial. PI: Hiroko Dodge (07/2010–06/2014)


U2C AG054397: ORCATECH Collaborative Aging (in Place) Research Using Technology (CART). PI: Kaye (9/01/2016–8/31/2020). 

Role: Data Core Director.


R21 AG062679: Electronic Financial Indicators of Neurodegenerative Disease. PI: Wild (4/01/2019–3/31/2021).

Role: Co-investigator.


P30 AG053760: Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Center. PI: Paulson (8/15/2016–6/30/2021).

Role: Data Management and Biostatistics Core Director.


U01 NS100611: Lewy Body Dementia Biomarkers. PI: Frey (9/25/2016–5/31/2021).

Role: Co-Investigator.


P30 AG008017: Oregon Alzheimer’s Disease Center. PI: Kaye (4/01/2010–3/31/2020).

Role: Data Management and Biostatistics Core Director.


U01 NS106670: Preclinical development of antisense oligonucleotide therapy for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. PI: McLoughlin (5/15/2018–4/30/2022).

Role: Co-investigator.


R01 AG054484: Preclinical development of antisense oligonucleotide therapy for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. PI: Kavcic (7/1/2018–3/31/2023).

Role: Co-investigator.


P30 AG024978: Oregon Roybal Center for Translational Research on Aging. PI: Kaye (09/30/14–03/31/2019).

Role: Co-investigator.


R01 AG042191: Ambient Independence Measures for Guiding Care Transitions. PI: Hayes and Kaye (6/01/2013–5/31/2018).

Role: Co-Investigator/Statistician.


P01 AG043362: Integrative Analysis of Longitudinal Studies of Aging (IALSA). PI: Hayes and Kaye (7/01/2013–6/30/2018).

Role: Co-Investigator.


R01 AG043398: Omega 3 fatty acids for the vascular component of age-related cognitive decline. PI: Hayes and Kaye (7/01/2013–6/30/2018).

Role: Co-Investigator.


R01 AG038651: Role of impaired cognitive states & risk factors in conversion to mixed dementias. PI: Kryscio and Schmitt (9/01/2011–5/31/2016).

Role: Co-Investigator.


R21 AG046637: Community Based Early Identification of MCI in at risk African-Americans. PI: Kavcic (9/30/2014–8/31/2016).

Role: Co-investigator.


NIA R01 AG076562: Epidemiology of Dementia: A Prospective Community Study. PI: Ganguli (1997–2003).

Role: Investigator/Head Statistician.

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